Linn County Clerk did follow RNR sample notice - Sep. 14, 2022
Following a story written last week explaining a letter concerning revenue neutral rates that were sent out to taxpayers by the Linn County Clerk’s office, further clarification and a correction was necessary. The portion of the story at the center was, “Kansas Senator Caryn Tyson said of...[More]
Family business builds memories, one ride at a time - Sep. 14, 2022
In 1947 two brothers, Carl and Eugene Theel, purchased a corner grocery store with an attached service station, a setup that today would be called a convenience store, in Leavenworth, Kan., where their parents owned and operated a small amusement park called Kiddieland; located at Spruce and Sentinel...[More]
USD 346 School Board - Monday, September 12, 2022 - Sep. 14, 2022
The USD 346 board met for the budget and revenue neutral rate hearing at 5:45 p.m. on Sept. 12. Superintendent Shawn Thomas reviewed state assessment result handouts and how Jayhawk students performed in comparison to the rest of the state in Math, English, and Science assessments. Some obstacles...[More]
Pleasanton USD 344 - Monday, September 12, 2022 - Sep. 14, 2022
Board members of Pleasanton USD-344 met on Monday, Sept. 12, for their regular monthly meeting. Elementary principal Nathan Meik provided his monthly update to the board for review. He noted on Sept. 2, students in grades 4-7 met with their former teachers at the Olathe Community Center pool to...[More]
Prescott City Council - Monday, September 12, 2022 - Sep. 14, 2022
The Sept. 12 meeting of the Prescott City Council opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. City Attorney Burton Harding sent a message he would be late as he was coming from another meeting. Separate motions were made and passed to accept the minutes for the budget meeting of last month and...[More]
Pleasanton City Council - Monday, September 12, 2022 - Sep. 14, 2022
The council met for their every-other-week Monday meeting and heard from Renee Slinkard on Constitution Week. Mayor Mike Frisbie signed the proclamation stating Constitution Week is Sept. 17 – 23; this is the 234th anniversary of the U.S. Constitution. A 10-minute executive session for...[More]
Linn Valley City Council - Monday, September 12, 2022 - Sep. 14, 2022
The Linn Valley City Council held its bi-monthly meeting at 7 p.m. on Monday, Sept.12, 2022, with Mayor Cindy Smith presiding and all council members present. See separate story for the budget hearing in this edition. Codes Enforcement Officer Don Hastings reported that 51 building permits...[More]
La Cygne City Council - Wednesday, September 7, 2022 - Sep. 14, 2022
In addition to deciding on four separate wastewater rehabilitation project items, a report located elsewhere in this issue, La Cygne city leaders approved up to $2,500 for a bulletin board at Oak Lawn Cemetery. The 4-0 vote, with Jerome Mitzner not present, followed a presentation by Danny Curtis, council...[More]
Blue Mound City Council - Monday, September 2, 2022 - Sep. 14, 2022
Council members for the city of Blue Mound met on Tuesday, Sept.6, for their regular monthly meeting. City Clerk Max Krull gave a brief update on the sewer and water grants. The council also discussed road maintenance needing done on various city streets. In other business, the council approved...[More]
Linn County Commissioners - Monday, Sept. 12, 2022 - Sep. 14, 2022
From last week’s commissioner’s meeting held on Tuesday, Sept. 5, as a result of executive session, the commission voted to terminate Deputy Fire Chief Dee Horttor’s employment effective that day. It was an at-will termination with no reason given. The commissioners met for...[More]