inn County teenager is sixth in nation at Yu-Gi-Oh! competition - Jul. 10, 2019
Two years ago, Jason James, son of Rick and Allyson James, La Cygne, began collecting Yu-Gi-Oh! cards and playing in local competitions in Lenexa at a store called Collector’s Cache. “When we first went up there, they tried to talk him out of playing Yu-Gi-Oh! because the game changes...[More]
One injured in wreck on Tiger Road - Jul. 10, 2019
Firefighters, law enforcement and emergency personnel were called to the scene of a wreck on E. 1000 Road, also known as Tiger Road, east of Pleasanton on the morning of July 5 at approximately 10:15 a.m. The driver, Joyce Brown, of Prescott, was driving westbound on Tiger Road...[More]
Bully Pulpit - Proportional - Jul. 10, 2019
Ying and yang, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction and more – and so it goes in our county governmental system. I’ve found it interesting listening to some of the comments made about County Attorney James Brun’s request to hire an assistant prosecutor and...[More]
New numbers lower La Cygne sewer grant expectations - Jul. 10, 2019
New computations on La Cygne water usage will affect grant expectations for a proposed sewer system rehabilitation/replacement project. Those were the learnings that Jodi Wade, city clerk, shared with city leaders at their regular council meeting last Wednesday, July 3. Expectations...[More]
Law Enforcement project is discussed at Republican meeting - Jul. 10, 2019
Following a brief meeting of the Linn County Republican Central Committee on Monday at Bunker Hill Community Center in Mound City, Linn County Sheriff Paul Filla and the Linn County Commissioners took the floor and spoke about the Linn County Law Enforcement project, where it...[More]
USD 362 teachers, board approve 4.27 percent increase - Jul. 10, 2019
Most of meeting entails summer updates, FY 2020 reorganization With their board of education vote Monday night, Prairie View Unified School District 362 and their teachers have reached a 2019-20 contract agreement. Following three executive sessions totaling 15 minutes for negotiations,...[More]
Kenneth L. Robbins 08-16-1945 to 07-01-2019 - Jul. 5, 2019
Kenneth L. Robbins 08-16-1945 to 07-01-2019 Linn County News Published July 10, 2019 Kenneth L. Robbins, age 73, La Cygne, Kan., passed away on Monday, July 1, 2019, at North Point in Paola, Kan. He was born on Aug. 16, 1945, in Rich Hill, Mo., the son of Clyde and Mary...[More]
Linda Jo Fort 11-16-1940 to 07-03-2019 - Jul. 5, 2019
Linda Jo Fort 11-16-1940 to 07-03-2019 Linn County News Published July 10, 2019 Linda Jo Fort, age 78, La Cygne, Kan., passed away July 3, 2019, at the Overland Park Regional Medical Center. She was born on Nov. 16, 1940, in Paola, Kan., the daughter of Albert and Pauline...[More]
Dennis “Denny†K. Harris 05-01-1948 to 07-03-2019 - Jul. 5, 2019
Dennis “Denny” K. Harris 05-01-1948 to 07-03-2019 Linn County News Published July 10, 2019 Dennis "Denny" K. Harris passed away Wednesday, July 3, 2019, at the age of 71 years, peacefully at his home with friends by his side. He was born May 1, 1948, at home...[More]
Local softball teams do well in area tournaments - Jul. 3, 2019
The summer softball leagues were in full swing this past week as there were six tournaments in action for local players. Teams from Parker, La Cygne, Mound City, Pleasanton and Blue Mound took part in the tournaments with a few earning trophies for their respective teams. The 8U girls’...[More]