Pulpit - Law enforcement safety - Jun. 20, 2018
I was in Kittery, Maine, watching the news last week when I learned about the two Wyandotte deputies killed by an inmate on his way to court. It is a sad, sad deal that is getting to be all too common. Then I’m on Facebook this week and see a post from Lawrence Police Supporters commenting...[More]
Leslie Eugene Andres 03-15-1951 to 06-13-2018 - Jun. 20, 2018
Linn County News Published June 20, 2018 Leslie Eugene Andres, age 67, passed away June 13, 2018, at his home near Pleasanton, Kan. Gene was born on March 15, 1951, in Iola, Kan., to Lyle Andres and Virginia Stokes Andres. Gene graduated from the Moran High School in 1969. Gene...[More]
Charles Eugene Franklin 12-26-1938 to 06-13-2018 - Jun. 20, 2018
Linn County News Published June 20, 2018 Charles Eugene Franklin, age 79, Hume, Mo., passed away on Wednesday, June 13, 2018. Funeral service was held Saturday, June 16, 2018, at the Hume Christian Church. Burial was in the Hume Cemetery. The family suggests contributions...[More]
Leslie Ann Nation 06-21-1997 to 06-13-2018 - Jun. 20, 2018
Linn County News Published June 20, 2018 Leslie Ann Nation, age 20, Mound City, Kan., died Wednesday, June 13, 2018, at the University of Kansas Medical Center. She was born in Overland Park, Kan., on June 21, 1997, the daughter of David and Tracie (West) Nation. While attending Jayhawk-Linn...[More]
Bully Pulpit: Another Hollywood icon bites the dust - Jun. 13, 2018
Oh, boy. Hollywood can be equated to watching a solar system die – star after star becoming black holes where once there stood a person who could quote lines with feeling, or someone who could hold a note in a song. Well, apparently those God-given talents make those people think they can be rude...[More]
Districts combine efforts to send joint trapshooting team members to Nationals - Jun. 13, 2018
Jesse Secrest, coach for the Pleasanton High School/Jayhawk-Linn High School joint trapshooting team, appeared before the Pleasanton USD 344 Board of Education on Monday evening, June 11, to request assistance with sending team members to Nationals in Mason, Mich. Secrest explained to the board members...[More]
2018 All County baseball team - Jun. 13, 2018
The 2018 high school baseball season is over, and all the local teams and players worked hard this year.Prairie View finished with a 5-16 record, winning their games at the end of the season. They lost in the 4A Division II Regional to the eventual State Tournament champions, Iola.Jayhawk had a good...[More]
Linn County’s top 10 track athletes - Jun. 13, 2018
The 2018 high school track season has concluded, and it was a great year for our local track athletes as 23 of them from Pleasanton, Jayhawk-Linn and Prairie View made the State Track Meet with four of them medaling and three receiving multiple medals. This top 10 list of Linn County’s track athletes...[More]
Prescott City Council asks ‘what do we do?’ - Jun. 13, 2018
After a few quick housekeeping items and reports from the Reach Out Food Pantry and Prescott City Library, Mayor Kevin Wood addressed the audience of concerned citizens and Prescott Country View Nursing Home (PCVNH) Board of Directors. He asked two questions: “What do we do, and what do we need?”Wood...[More]
New summer grief support group meeting in La Cygne - Jun. 13, 2018
“Grief Comfort saved my life.” – Doug Staats“Not your typical support group.” – Bryan Brown“I didn’t think I needed a support group; now I lead one.” – Holly Scott“Doctors heal bodies; GCI (Grief Comfort Inc.) heals broken hearts and lives.”...[More]