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Phase one begins May 4, 2020, as directed by Executive Order 20-29

The previous statewide Stay-at-Home and mass gatherings orders are lifted and mass gatherings of more than 10 individuals are prohibited. Mass gatherings are defined as instances in which individuals are in one location and are unable to maintain 6 feet of distance between individuals (not including individuals who reside together) with only infrequent or incidental moments of closer proximity. Industries or functions that are already in operation pursuant to KEFF may continue to function while, if possible, avoiding gatherings of more than 10 individuals where social distancing measures are difficult to maintain. Any local government that decides to impose equal or more stringent restrictions during this phase is permitted to do so, except with regards to essential functions in KEFF. Any federal restrictions imposed and still in effect must be followed.

Guidance for individuals during this phase

Masks: Individuals are strongly encouraged to wear cloth masks in public settings as appropriate. Outdoor

Activities: When in public (e.g., parks, outdoor recreation areas, shopping areas), individuals and family units should consistently maintain 6 feet of distance from others with only infrequent or incidental moments of closer proximity.

Social Gatherings: Avoid socializing in person with groups of 10 or more individuals in both indoor and outdoor settings, especially in circumstances that do not allow for a physical distance of 6 feet or more between individuals or groups with only infrequent or incidental moments of closer proximity. (e.g., receptions, trade shows).

High-Risk Individuals: High-risk individuals include those with underlying medical conditions, including, chronic lung disease, asthma, heart conditions, severe obesity, chronic kidney disease, liver disease, or otherwise immunocompromised. If you fall into this category you are advised to continue to stay home except when conducting essential functions.

Travel: Minimize or eliminate nonessential travel and follow KDHE travel and quarantine guidelines for travel to high-risk areas. Essential travel includes travel for urgent family, medical, and business-related needs as determined by the individual or business.

Guidance for employers during Phase One

Telework: Strongly encouraged for all employees when possible. On-site

Operations: Avoid large gatherings of employees of 10 or more where social distancing protocols cannot be maintained except for infrequent or incidental moments of closer proximity and phase in employees on-site as possible while maintaining 6 feet of distance between employee workstations.

Potentially Sick Employees: Any employees exhibiting symptoms should be required to stay at home and asked to call their health care provider.

Business Travel: Minimize or eliminate nonessential travel and follow KDHE travel and quarantine guidelines for travel to high-risk areas.

Essential travel includes travel for urgent and necessary family, medical, and business-related needs as determined by the individual or business.

Visits to Long-term Care Facilities or Correctional Facilities: In-person visits to these facilities should be prohibited. Those who must interact with residents must adhere to strict protocols regarding hygiene and screening

All businesses not prohibited may open if:

They can maintain at least 6 feet of distance between consumers (individuals or groups).

Restaurants or dining establishments may meet this requirement by using physical barriers sufficient to prevent virus spread between seated customers or groups of seated customers and fundamental cleaning and public health practices are followed.

Businesses should follow industry-specific guidelines as provided on Any additional best practices guidance from each business sector is strongly encouraged.

Businesses must avoid any instances in which groups of more than 10 individuals are in one location and are unable to consistently maintain 6 feet of distance with only infrequent or incidental moments of closer proximity. This does not limit the total occupancy of a business, but requires that businesses limit areas and instances in which consistent physical distancing cannot be maintained, such as tables, entrances, lobbies, break rooms, check-out areas, etc.

The following businesses DO NOT OPEN in this phase:

- Bars and night clubs, excluding already operating curbside and carryout services.

- Casinos (non-tribal) - -

- Theaters, museums, and other indoor leisure spaces (trampoline parks, arcades, etc.)

- Fitness centers and gyms  -

- Nail salons, barber shops, hair salons, tanning salons, tattoo parlors and other personal service businesses where close contact cannot be avoided.

K-12 facilities remain subject to the provisions of EO 20-07 regarding school closures, including the requirement that fewer than 10 students, instructors, or staff be present for normal operations. K-12 facilities should continue to follow the guidelines of the Continuous Learning Plan developed by the Kansas State Department of Education. Districts with facilities in more than one county or city should follow any applicable directives issued by the county and city in which their district office is located. Higher education facilities that are closed before May 4 should remain closed for in person learning or events involving groups of more than 10 individuals present at a time. Licensed childcare facilities may continue operations pursuant to state and local regulations.

All activities and venues not prohibited MAY OPEN IF:

They can maintain at least 6 feet of distance between individuals or groups and fundamental cleaning and public health practices are followed.

Follow industry specific guidelines as provided on and avoid any instances in which more than 10 individuals are in one location and are unable to maintain 6 feet of distance with only infrequent or incidental moments of closer proximity.

This does not limit the total occupancy of a facility, but requires that facilities limit mass gatherings in areas and instances in which physical distancing cannot be maintained such as in entrances, lobbies, locker rooms, etc.

The following activities and venues DO NOT OPEN in this phase:

- Community centers

 - Outdoor and indoor large entertainment venues with capacity of 2,000 or more

- Fairs, festivals, carnivals, parades, and graduations - 

- Swimming pools (other than backyard pools)

- Organized sports facilities and tournaments Summer camps

Local governments retain authority to impose equal or more stringent restrictions on businesses during this phase, except as to essential functions in KEFF.




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