Pleasanton City Council - Tuesday, Nov. 1, 2022 - Nov. 8, 2022
The Pleasanton City Council met on Tuesday, Nov. 1 due to the Halloween holiday and swore in Charles Stokes, new Codes, Animal Control Officer. They next approved the compactor to be closed on Friday, Nov. 11 for Veterans Day, but it will be open Thursday before and Saturday after the holiday. Following a...[More]
Fall back! - Nov. 4, 2022
Just a reminder: Clocks go back one hour on Saturday night as Daylight Saving Time ends at 2 a.m. on Sunday, Nov. 6!...[More]
National Vice Commander visits local Legion post - Nov. 2, 2022
On Wednesday, Oct. 26, American Legion National Vice Commander Glenn Wahus visited the Hewitt-New American Legion Post No. 248 in Mound City where a reception was held in his honor. Post Commander Walt Johnston spoke to those gathered and welcomed Vice Commander Wahus to Mound City and then turned the...[More]
SPECIAL: Shooting on U.S. 69 results in manhunt, arrests - Nov. 2, 2022
On November 01, 2022, at 11:35pm a call was received at the Linn County Sheriff’s 911 Center. The caller stated that they were southbound on US 69 near Pleasanton, Kansas, and a subject in a vehicle near them began shooting at their vehicle. The shots fired struck the vehicle the caller was in,...[More]
Drought affects livestock, fall harvest - Nov. 2, 2022
USDA reports county having 3rd driest September on record Drought conditions in Linn County this autumn are not only affecting yields during the fall crop harvest but also water and hay supply for livestock producers heading into winter. The most recent drought monitor released last Thursday...[More]
2 resolutions on Kansas ballot - Nov. 2, 2022
Kansas voters will see two House Concurrent Resolutions on the ballot this year. The first, House Concurrent Resolution No. 5022 is a proposition to amend sections 2 and 5 of article 9 of the constitution of the state of Kansas to require that a sheriff be elected in each county for a term of four years. The...[More]
Linn Valley City Council holds town hall meeting on water and sewer projects - Nov. 2, 2022
On Saturday, Oct.29 the Linn Valley City Council held a Town Hall Meeting to update the public on the status of the city’s water and wastewater projects. An estimated 40 residents turned out for the meeting which was held at City Hall. Upon completion, the water project...[More]
Media water carriers can’t drown Kelly/Toland drag queen story - Nov. 2, 2022
Iconic Romanian gymnast Nadia Comaneci earned seven perfect 10 scores for her events in the 1976 Olympics and a bronze medal for her floor exercise. But even her performance was no match for the backflips done by the reporters and editors of The Topeka Capital Journal, Kansas City Star, Wichita Eagle...[More]
Linn County Commissioners - Monday, Oct. 31, 2022 - Nov. 2, 2022
On Monday, Oct. 31, the Linn County Commissioners began their meeting with the approval of the minutes from last week’s meeting followed by approval of claims in the amount of $75,809. Commissioner Jim Johnson read the weekly reports from the Linn County Sheriff’s Office and the Linn County...[More]
Historical Society honors long-time volunteer - Nov. 2, 2022
Members of the Mound City Historical Society honored long-time volunteer Skip Childress during their annual meeting on Thursday, October 27. Childress, who has volunteered for the society and wore many hats in keeping the Mound City Historical Park running over the decades, recently stepped down from...[More]