SPECIAL: Exposure and Symptom Information for Church Conference - Apr. 1, 2020
TOPEKA – People who attended the Kansas East Jurisdiction’s 2020 Ministers and Workers Conference at the Miracle Temple Church of God in Christ located at 2106 Quindaro Blvd, Kansas City, KS, 66104 from March 16-22, may have been exposed to the novel coronavirus that causes...[More]
SPECIAL: Governor Kelly issues Executive Order to help meet surging demand for unemployment benefits for workers affected by COVID-19 - Apr. 1, 2020
Executive Order 20-17 will draw down millions in federal stimulus dollars to cope with record demand Today Governor Laura Kelly signed Executive Order 20-17 to ensure Kansas can draw down millions in federal dollars under the federal CARES Act. The federal stimulus will expand...[More]
SPECIAL: KDP Issues Update for 2020 Primary Election* - Apr. 1, 2020
TOPEKA, KS - Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the DNC has approved the following changes to the Kansas Democratic Party’s 2020 Primary Election schedule to ensure a safe and fair electoral process. To best protect the safety of all Kansas Democrats during this uncertain time,...[More]
BULLY PULPIT - Apr. 1, 2020
Resetting life Well, it took a microscopic germ to send many of the most technologically advanced nations back decades – to times when families ate dinner together, went to the park, new dads getting watch their babies crawl, and this grandma got to watch her son catch a frog for her granddaughter...[More]
SPECIAL: Governor Kelly issues statewide “stay home†order until April 19 - Apr. 1, 2020
Governor Laura Kelly issued Executive Order 20-16, a statewide “stay home” order Saturday, March 28 effective through April 19, 2020. According to the press release, the order supersedes all local “stay home” or similar orders prohibiting citizens from leaving their homes...[More]
Elderly, those with health conditions asked to register with county - Apr. 1, 2020
Aid available to assist vulnerable population during “stay home” order After Linn County Sheriff Kevin Friend reported 316 calls for service last week, he told the commissioners Monday that his department has been helping deliver groceries, medicine and more for those in the vulnerable population...[More]
County “stay home†order extends to April 30, beyond Governor’s April 19 deadline - Apr. 1, 2020
Stating that Governor Laura Kelly’s “stay home” order that came out Saturday, March 28 and extends through April 19 won’t affect the April 30 deadline the county established Friday, March 27 was discussed when Emergency Management Coordinator Doug Barlet showed the commissioners...[More]
Quarantine of exposed individuals monitored by law enforcement - Apr. 1, 2020
Criminal penalties for those not following stay-in-place or quarantine orders With six positive cases confirmed in Linn County and several quarantined individuals due to exposure, Linn County Sheriff Kevin Friend said that his staff is speaking with individuals who are known to be on home quarantine...[More]
Area churches plans during COVID-19 outbreak - Apr. 1, 2020
The COVID-19 outbreak has made any activity with groups of people difficult to accomplish. Churches certainly fit this category, but the worship of God must continue in both good and bad circumstances. Many churches have made adjustments on how to serve their congregations during this time so the Word...[More]
2019-2020 All County girls’ basketball team - Apr. 1, 2020
Last week we broke down Linn County’s high school boys’ basketball teams and presented first and second All County teams and this week we will do the same for the girls. As it was with the boys’ teams, selection for the girls’ teams is determined by stats and seeing the girls...[More]