Filing closes; ballot set for August primary - Jun. 3, 2020
Primary election choices for Linn County voters are set following Monday’s noon filing deadline. The Aug. 4 county ballot will feature a contested primary for both major parties for Linn County sheriff, along with three other contested Republican primaries. Kevin J. Friend, Republican incumbent...[More]
Linda Lee Ross 08-30-1941 to 05-28-2020 - Jun. 1, 2020
Linn County News Published June 3, 2020 Linda Lee Ross, age 78, La Cygne, Kan., passed away on Thursday, May 28, 2020. She was born on Aug. 30, 1941, in La Cygne, Kan., the daughter of Cliff Jasper and Opal Fern Lee Filtingberger. She graduated from La Cygne Rural High...[More]
Darlene McCoy 02-05-1929 to 05-27-2020 - Jun. 1, 2020
Linn County News Published June 3, 2020 Darlene McCoy, age 91, Mound City, Kan., passed away on Wednesday, May 27, 2020. She was born on Feb. 5, 1929, in Moran, Kan., the daughter of John F. and Ada L. Hibbs Brown. She was married to Raymond Ridge; to this union, four...[More]
The Chiefs’ off-season: the draft - May. 27, 2020
With the COVID-19 pandemic eliminating all potential spring and summer sporting events, I figured we could dive into some coverage on most people’s favorite professional football team around here, the Kansas City Chiefs. The off-season has more or less concluded, and the Chiefs have made various...[More]
Justice Center priced at $20.6 million, no Government Admin. Center Topic tabled - May. 27, 2020
Holding a special meeting Thursday, May 21, the County Commissioners discussed the Linn County Justice Center and the cost the construction management team River City Construction came up with after receiving electrical bids. After a large increase in electrical bids, the commissioners opted to rebid...[More]
Pleasanton Scouts start flag program for funding - May. 27, 2020
The Pleasanton Scout troop has been meeting since the beginning of the 2019-2020 school year; however, they did not receive their official charter until January of 2020. “We were just getting started when the coronavirus hit, and we couldn’t meet,” said Scoutmaster Nathan Meik. “So...[More]
SPECIAL: Notice to the people of Linn County: - May. 27, 2020
The County Commission and the Local Health Officer of Linn County, Kan., were recently the defendants in a Federal Lawsuit initiated by two Linn County residents and the Kansas Justice Institute, a law firm heavily involved in seeking out publicity through taking on high profile litigation around...[More]
Public Health Order now completely voluntary - May. 27, 2020
Allen resigns Public Health Officer position By JACKIE TAYLOR Linn County News Following the lockdown of Linn County earlier in March due to COVID-19 and subsequent orders to continue the stay-at-home orders by the governor and local authorities and a mandatory sign-in sheet...[More]
Pleasanton mini pantry on national map - May. 26, 2020
The Little Free Pantry in Pleasanton, situated outside the Linn County Health Department offices at 902 Main, has made it onto a national map that marks the location of mini pantries all across the country. The website which hosts the map can be found at, and it teaches you how...[More]
Leslie Dell “L.D.†Murray 10-12-1926 to 05-25-2020 - May. 26, 2020
Linn County News Published May 27, 2020 Leslie Dell "L.D." Murray, age 93, Pleasanton, Kan., passed away on Monday, May 25, 2020. He was born on Oct. 12, 1926, in Farlinville, Kan., the son of Charles and Susie West Murray. He graduated from Mound City High School. L.D....[More]