Kenneth Wayne Lankford 02-09-1933 to 03-29-2016 - Apr. 6, 2016
Kenneth Wayne Lankford, 83, of Prescott, Kan., formerly of La Cygne, died on Tuesday, March 29, 2016, at Prescott Country View Nursing Home. Kenneth was born on Feb. 9, 1933, in Clear Creek, Iowa, to Lee and Goldie (Derby) Lankford. The family will have a private memorial service at a...[More]
Willie Worthy Wurtz 04-09-1926 to 03-30-2016 - Apr. 6, 2016
Willie Worthy Wurtz, age 89, Pleasanton, Kan., passed away on Wednesday, March 30, 2016, at Mercy Health Center, Fort Scott, Kan. Willie was born April 9, 1926, in Beagle, Kan. to Benjamin F. and Viola M. Brant Wurtz. He had 27 brothers and sisters. Willie lived in Pleasanton most of his life. Willie...[More]
Velva Woodburn Roulund - Apr. 6, 2016
Velva Woodburn Roulund, 97, passed away April 3, 2016, at Lakeview Village in Lenexa, Kan. Velva was born at Byers, Kan., to William “Wig” and Blanche Gee Brown. She graduated as a registered nurse from the Ninnescah School of Nursing and retired as a district nurse consultant from the Kansas...[More]
Jayhawk baseball pounds Marmaton Valley, splits with Northeast - Apr. 6, 2016
The Jayhawk baseball team did well this past week as they hosted Marmaton Valley March 29 and traveled to Northeast Arma on March 31. The Hawks smashed the Wildcats in two double headers 15-0 and 14-0 and split with the Vikings losing the first game, 4-2, and winning the second, 14-3. To see...[More]
Buffalos suffer sweep at Eudora - Apr. 6, 2016
Prairie View baseball got a taste of the Frontier League last Thursday. In a non-league matchup at Eudora’s Varsity Fields, the Buffalos lost to the hometown Cardinals, 14-0 and 9-3. To see the full article, check out this week's edition of the Linn County News or check out the...[More]
40th annual Aggie Day at FSCC - Apr. 6, 2016
On Friday, April 1, 2016, more than 1,400 students from four states and 80 different schools competed at the 40th annual Aggie Day at Fort Scott Community College (FSCC). For the Jayhawk-Linn High School FFA it was another successful outing placing 5th in overall sweeps. In addition, Jayhawk-Linn had...[More]
PVHS drama club presents “Once Upon a Teen†- Apr. 6, 2016
The Prairie View High School Drama Club will be presenting the tragicomedy, “Once Upon a Teen” by Cliff McClelland on Friday, April 8 at 7 p.m. in the Prairie View Performing Arts Center. To see the full article, check out this week's edition of the Linn County News...[More]
Pipeline infrastructure grant funds and uses released - Apr. 6, 2016
Following the huge boon to Linn County’s budget last year and the decision by the commissioners to share one mill with cities, Economic Development Director Dennis Arnold presented a list of actual funds and what they will be used for to the commissioners. To see the full article, check...[More]
Drug busts net two arrests - Apr. 6, 2016
The Linn County Sheriff’s Department and the Pleasanton Police Department are proving to be quite a force to be reckoned with in the fight on drugs. To see the full article, check out this week's edition of the Linn County News or check out the online version here. ...[More]
Shall the following be adopted? Shall Unified School District No. 344, Linn County, Kansas (Pleasanton), issue general obligation bonds in an amount not to exceed $11,140,000, to pay the costs to (a) renovate and improve entryways, corridors, restrooms, classrooms, labs and collaborative...[More]