40th annual Aggie Day at FSCC - Apr. 6, 2016
On Friday, April 1, 2016, more than 1,400 students from four states and 80 different schools competed at the 40th annual Aggie Day at Fort Scott Community College (FSCC). For the Jayhawk-Linn High School FFA it was another successful outing placing 5th in overall sweeps. In addition, Jayhawk-Linn had...[More]
PVHS drama club presents “Once Upon a Teen†- Apr. 6, 2016
The Prairie View High School Drama Club will be presenting the tragicomedy, “Once Upon a Teen” by Cliff McClelland on Friday, April 8 at 7 p.m. in the Prairie View Performing Arts Center. To see the full article, check out this week's edition of the Linn County News...[More]
Pipeline infrastructure grant funds and uses released - Apr. 6, 2016
Following the huge boon to Linn County’s budget last year and the decision by the commissioners to share one mill with cities, Economic Development Director Dennis Arnold presented a list of actual funds and what they will be used for to the commissioners. To see the full article, check...[More]
Drug busts net two arrests - Apr. 6, 2016
The Linn County Sheriff’s Department and the Pleasanton Police Department are proving to be quite a force to be reckoned with in the fight on drugs. To see the full article, check out this week's edition of the Linn County News or check out the online version here. ...[More]
Shall the following be adopted? Shall Unified School District No. 344, Linn County, Kansas (Pleasanton), issue general obligation bonds in an amount not to exceed $11,140,000, to pay the costs to (a) renovate and improve entryways, corridors, restrooms, classrooms, labs and collaborative...[More]
Frances Todd Baker 03-18-1930 to 3-23-2016 - Mar. 30, 2016
Frances Todd Baker, age 86, formerly of Pleasanton, Kan., passed away in hospice at Englewood, Colo.Born in Atchison, Kan., on March 18, 1930, Fran lived in Kansas City, Mo., until 1959 when she married Willis Baker and moved to Pleasanton, Kan.She will be remembered as a lifelong equestrian and an active...[More]
Betty Jo Masters 07-23-1932 to 03-28-2016 - Mar. 30, 2016
Betty Jo Masters, 83, of Mound City, Kan., passed away Monday, March 28, 2016, at Prescott Country View. Betty Jo was born at Fort Scott, Kan., July 23, 1932, as the sole child to Leonard and Elma (Venters) Randall, also of Mound City.In 1950, Betty Jo graduated from Mound City High School and married...[More]
Dorothy Rose Meek 11-16-1916 to 03-23-2016 - Mar. 30, 2016
Dorothy Rose Meek, 99, died Wednesday, March 23, 2016, at Victory Hills Senior Center, Kansas City, Kan., where she had resided since 2012. Dorothy was born to Charles and Florence McIntyre Kilpatrick on Nov. 16, 1916, at Provost, Alberta, Canada. Her first husband was Robert Cameron with whom she had...[More]
Vivian Loraine Driskill 06-25-1932 to 03-22-2016 - Mar. 30, 2016
Vivian Loraine Driskill, 83, Frontenac, Kan., formerly of Pleasanton, Kan., passed away Tuesday, March 22, 2016, at Medicalodge, Frontenac. She was born June 25, 1932, at Boicourt, Kan., the daughter of Charles E. and Violet Cronmiller Carpenter. She graduated from Pleasanton High School. Vivian married...[More]
Palm Sunday Services held at Fairmount Church - Mar. 30, 2016
The Mapleton Community of Christ and the Earnest family held its Palm Sunday Service at the Fairmont Church which is located southeast of Pleasanton. The church was destroyed in a tornado April 27, 2014, and was rebuilt by many volunteers. To see the full article, check out this week's edition of the...[More]