Lady Buffs win Regional track meet - May. 24, 2023
The Prairie View track team traveled to compete in their 3A Regional meet in Fredonia on May 18. The Regional meets determine who will participate in the State track meet as the top four placers in each event goes to State. The Buffalos sent a total of eight athletes to State, seven girls and one boy. As...[More]
Pleasanton track qualifies six for State - May. 24, 2023
The Pleasanton track team traveled to Lyndon on May 18 for their 2-1A Regional meet. This meet determines who will make the State meet in Wichita as the top four placers advanced to State. The Jays had two boys and four girls qualify for State. As a team the girls placed 12th at the Regional meet with...[More]
BULLY PULPIT - May. 24, 2023
Government employees I was visiting with a friend of mine who shared an interesting fact produced by the Kansas Department of Labor that Linn County government employs 35 percent of our population. That means that every third person you see in Linn County has a job, in some capacity, on government payroll,...[More]
LA CYGNE CITY COUNCIL - Wednesday, May 17, 2023 - May. 24, 2023
In addition to a codes officer resignation and a councilman’s code-violation letter grievance, both reports located elsewhere in this edition, La Cygne city leaders passed Ordinance No. 1510 that codifies a May 3 vote to charge a $200 flat fee for repair costs to damaged water meters. The ordinance...[More]
LINN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS - Monday, May 22, 2023 - May. 24, 2023
The May 22 meeting of the Linn County Commissioners began with the approval of the minutes of last week’s meeting followed by the approval of claims in the amount of $414,681.39. County Clerk David Lamb noted a need to reschedule the regular meeting on May 29 to Tuesday, May 30 due to the Memorial...[More]
Gene Raymond Mitchell ~ 10-27-1938 to 11-24-2022 - May. 23, 2023
Linn County News Published May 24, 2023 Gene Raymond Mitchell, 84 years, passed away on November 24, 2022 in his home Grand Rapids, Mich. He was born in Kansas City, Kan., the third child of Otto and Ruby Mitchell. Preceded in death by his parents and brother, Delbert and two beloved wives,...[More]
SPECIAL: Press release on protest at Tanglewood Lakes - May. 19, 2023
On May 18, 2023, at 6:05pm an organized group of Tanglewood Lakes residents (approximately 45 persons or more) gathered at the gates of Tanglewood Lakes and removed the gates from the entrances as a protest. Two Deputies arrived at 6:27pm to find multiple individuals at each gate removing the components...[More]
Click It or Ticket Campaign Reminds Drivers: Buckle Up May 22 - June 4, and Every Day - May. 18, 2023
The Linn County Sheriff’s Office is urging drivers to buckle up during the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) national Click It or Ticket high-visibility enforcement effort. The national seat belt campaign, which coincides...[More]
SPECIAL: K-152 resurfacing project to begin in late May - May. 17, 2023
The week of May 22 the Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) expects to start a mill and overlay project on K-152. The 13-mile project begins at the junction with K-7 and continues east to U.S. 69. Flaggers and a pilot car will guide one-lane traffic through the work...[More]
Commissioners approve STARS funding at 1 mill for 2024 - May. 17, 2023
Jay Allen, director of Southeastern Technical Academy for Rural Students, or STARS, appeared in front of commissioners once again and began by thanking Commissioner Jim Johnson for his aid in connecting him with a possible corporate sponsor for the HVAC program. Allen then presented a revised budget...[More]