Council members for the city of Blue Mound met on Monday, August 7 for both their annual budget hearing, followed by their regular monthly meeting. 

The annual budget hearing was called to order. There being no public in attendance, the hearing was the closed with no further discussion.

The regular meeting was then called to order. Max Krull updated the council on the installation of the sewer manholes being replaced. One has been completed and the other one will be done within the next week or so. Krull did explain there were some issues on the first one fitting properly. Council advised that they needed to ensure pieces were correct before ordering more.

Krull also shared with the council the recipients of the water grant the city applied for should be announced by the first of September.

The council then heard from Chris Martin, from the Linn County Technology Department. Martin informed the council that the county was interested in using the old cable TV tower located near the water tower. The county, who is in the process of upgrading their radio systems for first responders, would like to use the tower due to its location within the county.

Martin continued by stating the county would dismantle any old wiring, etc., and would need a new electric meter installed. The council voted and approved for the county to use the old tower. 

In other business, council members approved the following: minutes from the previous meeting; payment of bills in the amount of $62,131.68; annual audit; the 2024 budget as presented; and the moving of the September meeting to Tuesday, September 5, due to the Labor Day holiday. 


LINN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS - Monday, October 23, 2023


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LA CYGNE CITY COUNCIL - Wednesday, October 18, 2023


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LINN VALLEY CITY COUNCIL - Monday, October 23, 2023


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