In addition to a codes officer resignation and a councilman’s code-violation letter grievance, both reports located elsewhere in this edition, La Cygne city leaders passed Ordinance No. 1510 that codifies a May 3 vote to charge a $200 flat fee for repair costs to damaged water meters.

The ordinance passed on a 4-0 vote, with Jerome Mitzner not present, at the regular council meeting last Wednesday, May 17. Dan Nasalroad, public works superintendent, admitted that some repairs will be less than $200 and some more, but he considers the $200 flat fee as a “break even” for the city.

In a corresponding action, the council approved Resolution No. 454 to amend the city’s fee schedule to reflect the $200 flat meter repair fee.

On another 4-0 vote, the council approved Ordinance No. 1509 that defines a mobile food vehicle. Danny Curtis, council president, asked and received clarification that a current mobile food kitchen operated by Darlene Engert at 1002 E. Market St. is under a conditional use permit and thus independent of the new ordinance. Jodi Wade, city clerk, said the new ordinance primarily pertains to transient vehicles.

A 4-0 vote approved a $750.26 invoice payment to Midwest Engineering Group, Sapulpa, Okla., for professional services between March 19 and April 29 for the water treatment plant settling ponds project.

Another 4-0 vote approved pay application No. 11 to Nowak Construction Co., Inc., Goddard, general contractor for the sewer rehabilitation project, of $6,483.75 for a 31-day work period ending April 20.

However, the council will postpone a $6,825 sewer project change order for concrete work on driveways and sidewalks damaged during the project and since repaired or replaced. Nasalroad questioned about such work also needed new manholes, and Councilman Thomas Capp said a repair contingency “should have been in the bid.”

On a 3-1 vote, with David Brenneman dissenting, the council approved a deed restriction/covenant agreement for city-inherited property at 602 N. 5th St. Nasalroad has since met with a local realtor and is expected to bring a property listing price to the council for their 7 p.m. June 7 regular meeting.

During special projects discussion of the new fire station, Mayor Debra Wilson read that the notice of the $911,900 construction bid award has been signed by both construction contractor Hofer & Hofer & Hofer Associates, Inc., Humboldt, and engineering firm Zingre & Associates, Fort Scott.

During discussion prompted by Burton Harding, city attorney, La Cygne will have a one-year warranty following the project’s substantial completion, and Wade said the mayoral signing of the bid award notice will occur after the city’s reception of performance bonding.

During the council’s street committee report, Wilson urged the committee of Capp and Mitzner to schedule time “to do some preliminary planning for the scope” of a “big street project.” Capp said that the city still has “a lot to talk about stormwater yet.”

In her mayor’s comments, Wilson reminded patrons that any grass over 12 inches in height is subject to a codes violation letter and urged residents to do the mowing.

Wilson also said that dog permits are included in a City Hall binder and said that one of the permits’ purposes is that “we want to be able to find the dog’s owner if an accident happens.”

She also noted that Farmers’ Market is conducted from 4-7 p.m. every Friday at the La Cygne Library’s Swan Room. She reported that the season’s first two markets had been “fairly well attended, with a few vendors every week so far.”

During notes and communications to the council, Wilson noted upcoming Memorial Day weekend events--the library’s summer kickoff block party from noon-4 p.m. Friday, the swimming pool’s season opening at noon Saturday, the La Cygne Historical Society Museum “Notorious” exhibit running through Monday, and Monday’s 10 a.m. Memorial Day service at Oak Lawn Cemetery.


LINN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS - Monday, October 23, 2023


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LA CYGNE CITY COUNCIL - Wednesday, October 18, 2023


Among actions at the regular La Cygne council meeting last Wednesday, Oct. 18, was a split vote in which the city accepts a draft agreement for title search and warranty deed preparation of seven lots at 402 S. Broadway in exchange for absorbing a $16,400 house demolition bill.... [More]

LINN VALLEY CITY COUNCIL - Monday, October 23, 2023


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