In addition to water/sewer project items and a full dog pound, two reports located elsewhere in this issue, La Cygne city leaders were informed of a Kansas Department of Commerce training video series that addresses eventual potential for a local grocery store.

At the regular council meeting last Wednesday, Nov. 2, Jodi Wade, city clerk, reported viewing the first video in the series that has municipal government involved in incentive programs to reestablish full groceries in their communities. She said one such model exists as nearby as Humboldt.

From the first video, Wade admitted that such a plan would most likely require revenue from city taxes. She said an option for La Cygne would be to involve the appointed Public Building Commission.

Pertaining to a concrete parking lot area at the new information board in Oak Lawn Cemetery, the consensus agreed to wait until the regular 7 p.m. meeting next Wednesday, Nov. 16, before acting on unsealed quotes.

Mayor Debra Wilson read that one quote had been received--Chas Epperson for $4,800. Dan Nasalroad, public works superintendent, said that three concrete contractors had been contacted, but only Epperson's was returned.

Wade said funds to pay for the concrete work include an available $3,941 in the cemetery capital improvement budget and $2,700 in a professional services line item.

David Bronfman, a member of the council's cemetery committee, said he still wanted to reach out for "a couple more quotes." Responded Councilman Thomas Capp, "The ones around here are pretty busy, so I'm good with this one, but waiting until Nov. 16 is okay."

Nasalroad said he recommends concrete for that area.

"We could put gravel there, but it won't stay unless you have a retaining wall, landscape timbers, or railroad ties," he said.

Unanimous council actions involved reassignment of a ground lease agreement for the communications tower at the Industrial Park and a monetary donation to support the community Thanksgiving dinner.

The ground lease reassignment for the 40-foot square at 419 S. Fifth St. will transfer from Alltel Corporation doing business as Verizon Wireless to Vertical Bridge Development LLC, a Delaware limited liability company headquartered at Boca Raton, Fla.

Capp said the city should seek restitution for funds paid for legal time, but Burton Harding, city attorney, pointed to the city's original contract that began July 6, 2021, that included language for transferrable along with a lump sum $90,000 rent over a 25-year period--"there's not anything we can do."

The city's community Thanksgiving donation of $500 matches one earlier pledged by the La Cygne Chamber of Commerce to help meet the $1,200 needed to secure turkeys for the 11 a.m.-2 p.m. event Nov. 19 at the La Cygne Christian Church, 406 N. Broadway.

On two other unanimous actions, one grants permission to advertise for a vacant public works department opening, the other approving a pay voucher of $9,532.36 to Cook, Flat & Strobe Engineers, P.A., Topeka, inspectors for the completed Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) City Connecting Link Improvement Project that widened East Market Street (Kansas Highway 152) at the intersection with Industrial. Those funds will be released from the city’s pre-paid deposit of $379,000 with KDOT.

Routine items comprised other business before the council:

--Wilson announced that City Hall and the trash compactor would be closed this Friday to observe Veteran's Day.

--After Fenoughty presented statistics showing prorated 2022 projected increases for actual case reports, status type calls and traffic stops only, Wilson told her and Jo LeStourgeon, full-time police officer also in attendance, that "you need time off too" and recommended that they have "some calls go to the Linn County Sheriff's Office" dispatch.

--As fire chief, Nasalroad reported on his department's annual Halloween chili and hot dog feed Oct. 31 at Thayer Park, saying partakers "came early and fast," with all food gone and cleanup done by 8 p.m.

--Wade reported that health/dental insurance premiums for city employees will rise by 13 percent next year.

--Wade suggested that a city proclamation and/or erected signage be considered to honor Bree Allen, Prairie View High sophomore who won the Class 3-A girls' cross country individual championship Oct. 29 near Lawrence. Wilson expressed support for the suggestion.

--Ironically, signage was the primary topic for unfinished policy review of factory-built home districts in a 35-minute block of time available prior to adjournment.

--No public follow-up action followed a 15-minute executive session for non-elected personnel individual employee's performance, a 15-minute closed session for legal attorney/client privilege to review a contract, a 5-minute executive session for preliminary acquisition of real property, nor a 10-minute closed session for discussion of data relating to trade secrets dealing with the engineering portion of the current sewer rehabilitation project.


LINN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS - Monday, October 23, 2023


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LA CYGNE CITY COUNCIL - Wednesday, October 18, 2023


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