The commissioners met for their weekly meeting and approved bills in the amount of $238,850.39. 

Sheriff Kevin Friend sent his report to them that stated there are 21 prisoners in-house with zero farmed out. Commissioner Rick James said that Friend has signed a contract with Wyandotte County accepting approximately 10 of their prisoners; also, a contract has been approved with the US Marshals Service asking to house at least 20 prisoners.

James said they were good contracts and “will help with the bond issue.”

Century Link is reportedly working on a piece of equipment so the 911 system can be moved to the new Justice Center; it is due to be finished and the move made in two to three weeks.

James said the sheriff has a goal of having the jail building empty by the end of October and the building to hopefully be torn down the middle of November.

County Clerk David Lamb reported that the notice he was required to send out dealing with the Revenue Neutral legislation cost the county $10,847.11, less than the anticipated $20,000 because he was able to stuff several notices in the same owner’s envelope rather than individual envelopes. He said labor was not covered and it took employees from several departments pooling their efforts to make the deadline of Aug. 12; the state will reimburse the cost this year and next, after that he said it could be all on Linn County to pay for the revenue neutral notice.

Lamb said George Teagarden resigned from the Planning and Zoning Commission; James appointed Rex Bollinger to the position later in the meeting.

AMR Operations Manager Galen Anderson reported they had 13 transports week-to-date and 50 month-to-date.

They have also filled the full-time EMT and two paramedics positions they had open in Linn County.

Economic Development Director Jessica Hightower received approval to apply for a Rural Champions grant that includes 12 counties under 40,000 population; it will pay for an employee for 20 hours per week for $25,000 total from October to October 2023. The grant, a 25 percent match, will help get programs up and oversee those programs.

Hightower mentioned countywide housing and childcare and the commissioners thought housing would be good as it is a necessity countywide.

The person will help oversee the program and encourage development of what is chosen.

Public Works Administrator Shaun West said that they are assisting Pleasanton at the senior meals site with a stray cat problem.

West said that he had an issue with three separate homeowners who spread motor oil on their road. He explained that no substance should be put on the road; and if it is applied and the county has to remove it, damages can be applied to the individual that put the substance on the road.

He said he’s visited with two of the three and it will not be an issue in the future.

Planning and Zoning Director Darren Wilson spoke to the commissioners about changing a policy of inspecting septic tanks that someone thinks is leaking. The new resolution, especially for lake communities with homeowner associations need to confirm that the tank is actually leaking or is not installed before the county will come look at it; “the complaint needs to be more than a suspicion.”

Also discussed was allowing properly trained septic pumping companies to inspect tanks without having four different entities trying to meet at a site at one time.

A “nuisance” on Hwy. 69 north of 1000 Road has reportedly moved to Pleasanton property near the lake.

James mentioned that Linn Valley may have an interest in adding a ECK Area Agency on Aging senior meals site but has to have approximately 12 people interested in eating at the site each day. He said they’d like to try adding the site and see the level of interest they get.

Executive session for legal for 15 minutes was held with no action taken. Another 15 minute session for personnel was taken with Shaun West receiving a raise to $30.98 per hour due to certifications he’s received.

County Attorney Burton Harding asked that diversion funds be placed in a fund where he can use some of the money for training, office equipment, etc. and that he have control over the funds. Lamb, Harding and County Treasurer Janet Kleweno will meet to figure out how to best achieve the request.

Harding said several counties have line items that diversion money goes into separate from the general fund. The commissioners had no issue with moving the money.

The commissioners heard from David Keener who represented Gavel Roads Online Auctions asking them to look at using the company to possibly sell equipment online. The new company will compete with entities such as PurpleWave and Big Iron.


LINN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS - Monday, October 23, 2023


The Linn County Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, Oct. 23, and began their weekly meeting with the approval of the minutes of the last meeting followed by the approval of claims in the amount of $272,818.97. Linn County Rural Fire Chief Randy Hegwald presented... [More]

LA CYGNE CITY COUNCIL - Wednesday, October 18, 2023


Among actions at the regular La Cygne council meeting last Wednesday, Oct. 18, was a split vote in which the city accepts a draft agreement for title search and warranty deed preparation of seven lots at 402 S. Broadway in exchange for absorbing a $16,400 house demolition bill.... [More]

LINN VALLEY CITY COUNCIL - Monday, October 23, 2023


The Linn Valley City Council held its bi-monthly meeting at 7:00 PM on Monday, October 23, 2023, with Mayor Cindy Smith presiding and all council members present.    Following approval of the October 9th and October 14th meeting minutes, Mayor Smith opened the floor... [More]

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