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The Linn County Commissioners met on Monday, Dec. 5, with Commissioner Danny McCullough absent from the meeting.

Commissioners approved the minutes of the last meeting on a 2-0 vote then approved the payment of claims in the amount of $843,645.47.

Commissioners then accepted the fees report from the Sheriff’s Office for November and the Parks Report for November as well.

County Clerk David Lamb presented adds and abates numbers 2022-1-35; 685-691; and 718-772 and noted that combined they would result in a reduction of $6,513.16 then added that $325 of that amount was an abatement so the actual reduction is only $2,188.16.

Commissioners read and accepted the weekly report from the Linn County Fire Department.

Missy Lancaster with the Linn County Health Department noted a need to renew the maintenance contract on the testing machine at a cost of $4,000 per year. Following a short discussion, commissioners asked for totals on tests the machine was used for this year for Covid-19, flu and RSV.

Linn County Economic Development Director Jessica Hightower presented a report on the number of meals served at and through each senior meals site in the county, noting in particular that the Pleasanton site oversees meal deliveries to La Cygne, Prescott and Linn Valley, as well as, their own city. Hightower added that materials for repairs to Centerville had been ordered, as well as, the new refrigerator.

Hightower noted there will be a county and city officials meeting in regards to the zoning regulations and partnering with cities in the area on Dec. 20 at 7 p.m.

Linn County Planning and Zoning Administrator Darin Wilson presented two conditional use permit (CUP) applications to the commissioners for approval or rejection. (See related article in this edition.)

Wilson also presented a burial permit request, BP2022-25 for a one-inch water service line on 1475 Road near County Road 1077. Commissioner Jim Johnson noted he would like to have graders notified about these in advance and moved to approve the permit request. The motion carried on a 2-0 vote.

Public Works Administrator Shaun West presented a list of fee increases for Solid Waste for 2023. The commissioners approved the increases on a 2-0 vote.

Discussion turned to the landfill issue and West noted that the cost analysis is scheduled to be completed the week of Dec. 12. He then spoke to commissioners regarding a possible means of extending the life of the landfill until they can get a new cell set up either across the road or elsewhere. (See related article in this edition.)

Commissioners then entered into executive session for 20 minutes; 10 for personnel matters with West and 10 for legal matters with Gary Thompson, with Commissioner-elect Jason Hightower joining them.

Following executive session, the commissioners approved hiring Michael Shapel, a transfer from Road and Bridge, for the Maintenance position and hiring Nick Mitchell as Operator 1.

Commissioners then voted 2-0 to terminate the employment of Clyde Shaffer in the north shop effective that day.


LINN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS - Monday, October 23, 2023


The Linn County Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, Oct. 23, and began their weekly meeting with the approval of the minutes of the last meeting followed by the approval of claims in the amount of $272,818.97. Linn County Rural Fire Chief Randy Hegwald presented... [More]

LA CYGNE CITY COUNCIL - Wednesday, October 18, 2023


Among actions at the regular La Cygne council meeting last Wednesday, Oct. 18, was a split vote in which the city accepts a draft agreement for title search and warranty deed preparation of seven lots at 402 S. Broadway in exchange for absorbing a $16,400 house demolition bill.... [More]

LINN VALLEY CITY COUNCIL - Monday, October 23, 2023


The Linn Valley City Council held its bi-monthly meeting at 7:00 PM on Monday, October 23, 2023, with Mayor Cindy Smith presiding and all council members present.    Following approval of the October 9th and October 14th meeting minutes, Mayor Smith opened the floor... [More]

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