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The Linn County Commissioners met on Monday, March 27, and began their meeting with the approval of the minutes of last week’s meeting followed by the approval of the payment of claims in the amount of $372,248.40.

County Clerk David Lamb then presented adds and abates 2022-883-886 totaling -$2,904.36 and commissioners approved them on a 3-0 vote.

Linn County Sheriff Kevin Friend then gave his report noting a total number of inmates at 48 with 29 farmed in, 18 new cases opened, one case closed and 103 calls to 911 in the last week.

Galen Anderson with AMR reported they had made 17 transports in the last week and will have the monthly report for March next week.

Linn County Rural Fire Chief and Emergency Management Coordinator Randy Hegwald reported they had responded to five incidents in the last week.

Commissioners then entered into a 10-minute executive session for personnel matters with Amanda Snyder. Commissioner McCullough reported no action was taken when the regular session resumed, 

Commissioners then approved a request for Resolution 2023-17 requesting placement of a stop sign at 1800 and Yancy Roads. According to Shaun West, Public Works Administrator, it came to the county as a complaint the sign was down. It was determined no sign had been there, but due to visibility issues, they felt one was needed. 

IT Director Chris Martin went over the fire department radios and issues they are facing with handheld radios. Martin stated four towers, in the four corners, basically, will aid in transmitting.

All radios in fire trucks and handheld units need to be replaced to make them compatible with the current digital system the county uses. Commissioners expressed interest in completing the radio switch over for mobiles this year and asked Martin to reach out to city departments and bring it back to commissioners.

Linn County Economic Development Director Jessica Hightower requested an extension on burial permit 2022-20 for Evergy. Their project of bringing fiber optic to their plant at La Cygne is currently held up waiting on a railroad right-of-way agreement. EDA Hightower also asked the fee be waived as it was paid with the original request. Commissioners approved the request and waived the fee.

EDA Hightower reported a price increase on dust control materials and asked commissioners to set a new price for customers. The material price for compound used for dust control is set for 2023 at $1.37 per gallon for a full tanker and $1.68 per gallon for a partial tanker. Commissioners moved to set the price for dust control at $2.24 per foot for Linn County property owners and area residents.

EDA Hightower then presented a grant of $5,000 for sidewalks in partnership with the city paying one third, the county paying one-third and property owners being responsible for the remainder. She added that at least two cities are trying to get sidewalks to their schools. Commissioners approved the grant on a 3-0 vote.

EDA Hightower also presented a grant for daycare assistance. The $250 grant would be for four child care providers as reimbursement grants to cover materials and other costs not related to food or construction. Commissioners moved to approve the offering of four grants of $250 each on a 3-0 vote.

Commissioners then approved the logo for the housing committee.

Johnny Taylor, Noxious Weeds, presented his 2023 noxious weed plan, which commissioners approved.

Taylor noted that his department is content where they are but willing to move if necessary; however, he expressed concern regarding environmental issues involved in moving.

Planning and Zoning Administrator Darin Wilson reported the cost of the abatement at Sugar Valley Lake was $594.

EDA Hightower presented  burial permit 2023-02 for Lan-Tel Communications on behalf of Evergy from Centerville westward to Wolf Creek with fees of $11,000.  Commissioners approved the request on a 3-0 vote.

Commissioner Jim Johnson asked about possible repairs to the transfer station, compared to a new build. West will reach out to Construction Consultant Randy Page and have that looked into.

Discussion then turned to the walk-through of the building at 6th and Main, Pleasanton, and what it would take to move into it. (See related article in this edition.)

Commissioners discussed the Health Department and how the county should proceed given the current director’s upcoming end of employment in four days. Talk of reorganization and changing job descriptions, with one position being the director/health officer and head nurse. Commissioner McCullough read a letter of recommendation from Health Department employees encouraging commissioners to promote from within for those two positions. County Counselor Gary Thompson will need to draft new job descriptions if advertising the positions. Discussion turned to scaling back to two positions from three.

Commissioner Johnson moved to open the two positions and advertise them. Commissioner Jason Hightower said he feels like the current staff is not willing to negotiate and McCullough stated he would like to try to come to an agreement with them. McCullough then declared Johnson’s motion dead for lack of a second and then moved to negotiate with current staff and advertise the positions if agreement cannot be reached. Hightower seconded the motion and it carried on a 2-1 vote with Johnson voting against it. 

Johnson moved to have Randy look at the Health Department to see what it would take to move the Pleasanton Senior Meals site there. Hightower seconded to motion and it carried on a 2-1 vote with McCullough voting against it.

Commissioners then entered into a 30-minute executive session for legal matters with Thompson. Upon resumption of the regular session, McCullough stated no action had been taken and the meeting adjourned. 


LINN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS - Monday, October 23, 2023


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LA CYGNE CITY COUNCIL - Wednesday, October 18, 2023


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