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The Linn Valley City Council met Monday and heard from City Clerk Karen Siffring concerning meeting dates. She said the Kansas League of Municipalities (KLM) said governing bodies can’t cancel meetings prior to the meeting date, as in the case of a lack of a quorum; she said the body needs to meet and cancel at that time.

With that, the council approved her future meeting schedule showing no meeting on the last Monday of November or December due to holidays.

Councilwoman Brenda Muncy mentioned reading the story in the Linn County News concerning La Cygne’s increase in insurance costs from Truly Insurance of $2,000; she questioned why Linn Valley had an $8,000 increase. Siffring said she has a meeting set up with Truly Insurance to discuss what is going on.

Police Chief Corey Murrison discussed disposing of a police car by sealed bid.

Murrison also volunteered his department to do codes enforcement until the city can hire someone for that position. Murrison said his officers will do codes enforcement while they are on duty with unanimous approval of the council.

Mayor Cindy Smith said that there is a difference of opinion with the Property Owners Association (POA) concerning camping lots and explained that the city is not an extension of the POA. She said the ordinance overseeing camping lots is not aligned with the city and they don’t want a “campground mentality.” She said the ordinance in question is a camping question and not enforceable by the POA or city.

The council approved the audit cost of $4,995; last year it cost $4,880.

The annual dog clinic is in April with the date and time to be announced.

Siffring was approved to attend a KLM Grant Research Writing clinic in Lawrence, Kan. with a cost of $115.


LINN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS - Monday, October 23, 2023


The Linn County Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, Oct. 23, and began their weekly meeting with the approval of the minutes of the last meeting followed by the approval of claims in the amount of $272,818.97. Linn County Rural Fire Chief Randy Hegwald presented... [More]

LA CYGNE CITY COUNCIL - Wednesday, October 18, 2023


Among actions at the regular La Cygne council meeting last Wednesday, Oct. 18, was a split vote in which the city accepts a draft agreement for title search and warranty deed preparation of seven lots at 402 S. Broadway in exchange for absorbing a $16,400 house demolition bill.... [More]

LINN VALLEY CITY COUNCIL - Monday, October 23, 2023


The Linn Valley City Council held its bi-monthly meeting at 7:00 PM on Monday, October 23, 2023, with Mayor Cindy Smith presiding and all council members present.    Following approval of the October 9th and October 14th meeting minutes, Mayor Smith opened the floor... [More]

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Deputy extinguishes fire at Prairie View


Sheriff Akes, “There’s heroes all around us.”   What was dispatched as a fire at 1095 and 2400 Roads last Friday, Nov. 22 turned out to be a grill fire in the Vo-Ag room at Prairie View High School. With that, SRO Linn County Deputy Kyler Parscale was... [More]

Commissioners meet with city representatives on compactor sites


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Pleasanton Council discusses compactor agreement


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