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Linn County News


The Mound City Council began their meeting on June 6 with the approval of the minutes from the special meeting held by phone last week and of the meeting from last month.

The council then approved the warrant checking in the amount of $170,544.58, which includes the final payment on the Splash Park but the check will be withheld until the final walk-through is completed.

City Clerk Shelby Murray reported she had attended a class on budgeting and Mayor Wade Doering asked if she felt she learned anything and Murray responded she had learned quite a bit.

Police Chief Paul McKee reported an issue with the air conditioning in the other patrol car and requested permission to take it in for repairs. McKee then requested an executive session to discuss full-time officers.

City Superintendent John Bruns reported they are working on drainage issues around the Splash Park from the rains. Bruns noted that the summer help is working out well, so far.

Code Officer Jacob Bush reported on several properties, noting progress on some and asked what he can legally do with other properties that aren’t following through on all items listed for cleanup or removal.

Discussion ensued but the matter was tabled until City Attorney Jess Randall arrived.

Mayor Wade Doering then suggested that while Bruns has summer help that can help out in various areas that Bush tag along with Zach White -on various duties in preparation for a change of duties.

The council then set the agenda for the meeting with the addition of repairs to the police car.

Under new business the council approved the 2021 audit and approved the renewal of the cereal malt beverage license for Casey’s.

The council then discussed the fencing bid in the amount of $13,500 for the Splash Park from JRK and Bruns noted the fencing they would put up would be the poles, a top bar and a center bar and materials are included. The chain link would be added by the city at an additional cost.

Council approved the bid and asked Bruns to move forward on finding the chain link.

The council and mayor then discussed the mud around the area in regards to opening day and consultant Josh Baldwin stated if it dries out he can get the sod in around it and Bruns can get gravel spread for the parking area.

Continued discussion resulted in council setting an opening day of July 9, which should give plenty of time for everything to be completed.

With the arrival of Randall, the discussion turned to blighted and unsafe properties, with Randall stating notifications for the hearing on June 13 for 218 Chestnut had been sent.

Discussion then turned to actions Bush can and cannot take and Randall stated a property can be cited for whatever he writes them up for that are covered by the ordinance.

Council then entered into a 10 minute executive session to discuss law enforcement officers. That executive session was extended by 10 more minutes and following the executive session no action was taken other than a decision to advertise the position for full time officer. 


LINN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS - Monday, October 23, 2023


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LA CYGNE CITY COUNCIL - Wednesday, October 18, 2023


Among actions at the regular La Cygne council meeting last Wednesday, Oct. 18, was a split vote in which the city accepts a draft agreement for title search and warranty deed preparation of seven lots at 402 S. Broadway in exchange for absorbing a $16,400 house demolition bill.... [More]

LINN VALLEY CITY COUNCIL - Monday, October 23, 2023


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