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The Pleasanton City Council opened their meeting and held the 2024 budget hearing. Councilman Jake Mattingley said this was the third year that the city has dropped the mill levy and Councilman Aaron Portmann warned that the city “can’t always drop it and may need to increase it in the future.”

The budget was approved as published.

Following that Mayor Mike Frisbie read a thank you note from the Brown family for the financial support that allowed them to hang a Walter Scott Brown Memorial sign on U.S. 69 Highway. He also showed a plaque the city received from Bike Across Kansas as a final destination point on the 400-plus mile ride.

Rose Troth spoke of the General Pleasonton Day Parade scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 7 and received $1,050 from the council for parade prize money. She said six categories will receive prize money. She said she is looking for help with the parade.

Parker resident Renee Slinkard spoke to the council concerning Constitution Day that is September 17. The council signed a proclamation making the week of Sept. 17-23 Constitution Week. She said, “We are at risk of losing our Constitution; it protects us, We the People, not the government, and it includes the Bill of Rights.”

A five-minute executive session for security purposes was held with no action taken; another five minute executive session for non-elected personnel was held to discuss job performance with no action taken.

City Administrator Becky Hegwald said the city received a $14,450.50 check for an insurance dividend from carrier EMC.

She said she’d found a class on codes training for the Codes Officer and would continue checking on it.

She also said she reached out on a City Clerk site asking about landlord licensing and no one responded.

Hegwald said a CD at Labette Bank that was receiving .75 percent will now receive 4.75 percent.

Water bills will now be due the 15th of the month due to bills going to Kansas City before they are distributed by the Post Office in Pleasanton. She said she’d like to send a certified letter to people that are late that covers the full year. If they are late again, the city does not have to send a notice of shut off, they can simply shut the water off. A letter of extension agreement can be signed by the resident that outlines how the grace system works.

The council moved to expel resident Sam Davis from the pool, see separate story.

Councilman Aaron Portmann asked if the council could approve a pool basketball game to keep kids interested in coming to the pool. They also discussed a volleyball net and a small slide for little kids to play on.

A free swim day for Sunday, Aug. 13 was approved.

Mattingley mentioned that the court proceedings involving James Mike Higgins were done; he then asked about the $2,500 the council gave Higgins to get the dog park in shape. 

Police Chief Tristan Snyder gave his report and said his department had 14 arrests in July that included three DUI and six felony cases. There were 23 drug cases including eight felony cases.

The council approved a .50/hour raise for Michael Kershner, .50/hour for Madison Stanley, and the demolition request by Kevin and Vicki Brown for the former Dr. Justice medical office.

Council candidate Angie Randall asked if citizens might have a chance to take some of the debris from the doctor’s office once it was down. Mattingley suggested a one-week window for such.

The council waived the $50 cost for USD 344 for a staff day at the Community Center Aug. 21.


LINN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS - Monday, October 23, 2023


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