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The Pleasanton City Council began with the swearing in of newly appointed council member Kimberly Herring by City Clerk Becky Hegwald.

City Administrator Teresa Whitaker explained to the council members present that there is a CBDG (Community Development Block Grant) grant available for the pool reconstruction and they are waiting to hear on bids, but would like approval to apply for the grant. Council gave unanimous approval on the application for the grant.

Whitaker reported that at some point over the weekend the hay ground on the south side of the lake had been burned off and they have no idea how or by whom.

Whitaker spoke regarding a bid from Ka-Comm on the installation of equipment on the 2016 Chevy Impala that was purchased for the police department. Following a short discussion, council approved the bid not to exceed $7,711.08.

Whitaker reported a street survey will soon be conducted and then recommendations will come to council from there regarding repairs and overhaul. Whitaker noted that a possible sales tax increase could cover the yearly costs of a CBDG that would allow the city to overhaul nearly every street in town; however, discussions need to be held in regard to putting that on the ballot.

Council then held a 10-minute executive session for personnel matters with Pat Huntley and returned with no action taken.

Commissioner Danny McCullough then spoke to the council requesting recommendations for someone to serve on the county housing committee.

Council approved the consent agenda, including the agenda for the meeting; the minutes of the last meeting; regular disbursements of $7,987.65; payroll disbursements of $21,683.35; and mandatory disbursements of $38,002.86.

Council then discussed recommendations from the City Planning Commission regarding 602 Main but tabled the matter until council member Jake Mattingley arrived.

Council discussed and approved making the codes and animal control position full-time with hours split between several city departments as set out by Whitaker for $15 per hour plus benefits.

Council then heard from Nancy Brixey regarding a plan to open a motorcycle riding academy on property currently owned by the city. (See related article in this edition.)

Council then reopened the request for a CUP for 602 main which the planning commission approved with conditions for one year. After a brief discussion and hearing from Becky Grant, applicant, on the matter, the council opted to send the CUP back to the commission for a rewrite  with approval for only a three month time frame.

Council approved upgrades to the computer system and security option for the city at a cost of $25,511.

Council revisited the request from Ali Hamilton for a donation toward signage commemorating the Walter Scott Brown Memorial Highway and opted to donate $1,500. 


LINN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS - Monday, October 23, 2023


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LA CYGNE CITY COUNCIL - Wednesday, October 18, 2023


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