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Following the public comment period for Tim Staton concerning a vicious dog attack that killed his dog, see separate story in this edition; the Pleasanton City Council heard from resident Teresa Miller asking several questions and commenting on the condition of Pleasanton’s Main Street.

She asked concerning the condition of the city’s water. With that, City Superintendent Joey Morrisey addressed the missed samples and new procedures in the water department to avoid KDHE involvement in city water.

She next addressed, “concern with nothing being done in the city for a long time; garbage on the front porches on Main Street and old signs on the highway showing the motorcycle rally.”

Councilwoman Melanie Staton thanked Miller for compliments she made on volunteerism in the city but addressed her alleged “demeaning, hostile attitude.”

Miller next suggested that resident Angelina Randall be appointed to the vacant council position left by Joe Whitaker.

Mayor Mike Frisbie said he’d considered Randall but no decision had been made.

Following 10 minutes of executive session for employee matters and legal, no action was taken.

City Administrator Teresa Whitaker said 68 kids were taken care of with the Angel Tree project; she is again applying for the Walmart grant.

Whitaker said BG Consultants engineer Jason Hoskinson is going to work with the city concerning utilities in the Northeast Development area. She said sewer and water infrastructure would be looked at with a possible Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) loan.

Addressing a roads project, Whitaker said that money has been set aside in hope of a grant, but the city may be forced to do a GO (General Obligation) bond or loan to do a large project involving overall roads in the city.

Whitaker said gun locks are available through the city and she hoped suicide awareness classes some city employees took would help if an issue arose.

City Police Officer Mason Roberts graduated from KLETC police academy.

Roberts was approved to receive a $1 per hour raise since he graduated KLETC; plus, the city allowed the first half of his $1,000 sign-on bonus to be paid.

The council approved applying through the county for a housing grant geared toward developers.

The council approved talking to La Cygne’s Codes Officer/Animal Control Officer Allison Fox about doing codes when Pleasanton’s Codes Officer Charles Stokes goes to the police academy in a couple of weeks.

Police Chief Tristan Snyder reported 13 arrests since his last report, six were for drugs and three were felony arrests.

He reported on a structure fire that took a life; see separate report in this edition.

Snyder said the new vehicles were delivered and are currently being outfitted with radios, cages, etc.

Staton asked him if their heavy patrol in the Casey’s area was similar to a speed trap that was chasing people away.

Snyder said he is training other new officers and they pull people over for broken windshields, no turn signals, not stopping at intersections, etc. Besides that, he said they are busy with cases inside of Pleasanton.

Codes Officer Charles Stokes said it’s been a rough couple of weeks. He said they are in need of a new catch pole for animals as the one they have is not heavy-duty enough.

He discussed the possibility of a tranquilizer gun for mean dogs; Whitaker asked that they wait on that so more research could be done.

City Superintendent Joey Morrisey reported they are working on a light pole that is having problems and electricity in the show-up building that KCPL shut off due to the need for new wiring.

Morrisey requested two new employees as they lost one employee and had an open position in the water plant. 

Fire Chief Rob Dent was approved to purchase new bunker fire gear from Feld Fire for $2,931.77.

A liquor license for Linn County Liquor, Ann Johnson, was approved.

Compactor operator Leslie Ridenour was approved to receive a $100 Christmas bonus.

Resolution 437 was approved allowing the city to waive GAAP requirements in accounting.

Reta Spence was reappointed to the Pleasanton Housing Authority Board for another four year term.


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