Board members of Pleasanton USD-344 school district met on Monday, January 9, for their regular monthly meeting. 

Elementary principal Nathan Meik provided a written report for the board members. He informed them that the canned food drive was a great success, with the school as a whole bringing in a total of 3,256 items, a significant increase of the previous year’s 2,300 items. 

Within his report, Meik informed the board that the annual school spelling bee would be on January 12 at 1 p.m., and invited them to attend the event.

High school principal Sara Conley also provided a written report for the school board. Conley informed board members now Jesse Secrest is piloting new curriculum materials for junior high and Algebra 1 math classes by using HMH Into Math. Conley also noted Faith Meik has stepped into the role as long-term substitute teacher for high school history. 

Conley shared how she is partnering with Wendy Conley and Robert Nolan on piloting materials to organize student plans and communicate with community partners in offering internships. Conley stated this goal is to broaden the IPS process and improving their CTE work study and internship opportunities to allow students to become more college and career ready. 

Board members discussed and approved the following board members for the negotiations team: Monica Sabine, Meredith Johnson, and Kaye Hardy.

In other business, the board approved the following: agenda for the evening’s meeting; minutes of the previous meeting; and payment of monthly bills; approve the board policy updates as amended; allow Laver to fill the position of supervisor for Wednesday night open gym; and allow Laver to sign an agreement with Prairie View for 1/5 of the salary and benefits for Rick Sandness as HVAC electrical technician. 

Board members approved the following resignations: Seth Gabbert as high school boys’ basketball coach; Cory Zacharello as teacher; and Caleb Hendricks as head football coach and weights.

The board also approved the following hire: Ethan Sabine to complete the rest of the season as high school boys’ basketball coach.


LINN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS - Monday, October 23, 2023


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LA CYGNE CITY COUNCIL - Wednesday, October 18, 2023


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LINN VALLEY CITY COUNCIL - Monday, October 23, 2023


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