Jayhawk baseball tops in-county rival Pleasanton - Apr. 14, 2022
The Jayhawk-Linn baseball team hosted their in-county rival Pleasanton on the evening of April 7. This year the Hawks got the best of the Blu-Jays as they won both games of the doubleheader. In the first game the Hawks won in three innings, 15-0, while the second game took all seven innings, but...[More]
Dist. 1 Commissioner Rick James will not seek third term - Apr. 13, 2022
As time has arrived to file for intent to run for public office, County Commissioner Rick James gave public notice Monday at the commissioners meeting that he will not seek a third term in office. James read a written notice that stated, “As I have had this opportunity to serve two full terms...[More]
Pleasanton discusses annexing four miles of U.S. 69 - Apr. 13, 2022
With police calls increasing drastically each year since 2014, the city of Pleasanton heard a presentation from City Administrator Teresa Whitaker on an idea that she hopes would cut drug calls – patrolling U.S. Highway 69 giving more of a law enforcement presence on the city’s two exits. Whitaker...[More]
Blue Mound Blessing Car Show this Saturday - Apr. 13, 2022
The Blue Mound Blessing Car Show is this Saturday, April 16, on Main Street in Blue Mound. Registration will begin at 9 a.m. with the first 100 entries receiving dash plaques. Cars, trucks, motorcycles, rat rods and tractors are welcome. The top 10 awards will be given at 1 p.m.; participants will...[More]
BULLY PULPIT - Apr. 13, 2022
The Swamp I received this from a friend via email. I think it’s worth a look to see how intermingled politics are now. “Here’s the list of slimy creatures and blood suckers who live in the swamp!!!! You’ve seen some of these names before, but some you haven’t...[More]
For the love of dogs - Apr. 13, 2022
Twelve years ago Teal Briggs had just had a baby at the same time as her cousin, who was a dog groomer by trade. “My cousin offered to train me while we were home with our babies, and I took her up on it,” said Teal with a smile. That offer parlayed into a 12-year career. With children...[More]
Jayhawk baseball tops in-county rival Pleasanton - Apr. 13, 2022
The Jayhawk-Linn baseball team hosted their in-county rival Pleasanton on the evening of April 7. This year the Hawks got the best of the Blu-Jays as they won both games of the doubleheader. In the first game the Hawks won in three innings, 15-0, while the second game took all seven innings, but...[More]
Lady Buff power surge salvages Iola split - Apr. 13, 2022
Extra-base hits played a part in all of Prairie View’s half-dozen nightcap runs, a 6-3 win salvaging a Pioneer League softball doubleheader split April 5 at Iola. Long hits contributed to all of the Lady Buffalos’ first-game runs, too, but three Prairie View fielding errors in Iola’s...[More]
Bates sets Blu-Jay school record at Oswego - Apr. 13, 2022
The Pleasanton track teams traveled to Oswego on April 5 to compete in the Oswego Invitational. The boys’ team placed first out of 13 teams with 86 team points while the girls’ team scored 36 team points. Isaiah Bates was the star of the show for the Jays as he won both the 100- and 200-meter...[More]
SPECIAL: Former Sheriff Paul Filla passes away - Apr. 12, 2022
Former Sheriff Paul Filla passes away Many kind words were spoken Monday by elected officials and others following word that former Sheriff Paul Filla passed away unexpectedly Saturday evening. Following a prayer for comfort for Filla’s wife, Lynne, County Commissioner Rick James told...[More]