Pleasanton basketball faces league foes Northeast Arma, St. Paul - Jan. 12, 2022
It was a busy week for the Pleasanton girls’ and boys’ basketball teams as they hosted Northeast Arma on Jan. 4 and traveled to St. Paul on Jan. 7. The girls’ team unfortunately posted their first two losses of the season. In the game against Arma they lost a nail biter, 35-31. Eryn...[More]
Pastor honored for 10 years of service to church - Jan. 12, 2022
Members of Wall Street Christian Church, rural Mound City, surprised their pastor, Adam Holt, with a special luncheon on Sunday, Jan. 9. The surprise lunch was to thank him for his 10 years of serving as pastor for them. Pastor Holt’s first sermon there was given Jan. 1, 2012. The congregation...[More]
BULLY PULPIT - Jan. 12, 2022
Lockdown versus herd immunity There is no doubt there are definite differences of opinion out there concerning the COVID-19 vaccination, i.e., whether or not to vaccinate, the right of the person to choose to be inoculated or the right of the state to order a person to be inoculated. Further, those...[More]
USD 362 tables SRO offer - Jan. 12, 2022
Board will wait for County Commission meeting feedback Prairie View Unified School District 362 will table until next month’s 7 p.m. Feb. 14 meeting any decision on a Linn County Commission agreement proposal to fund the Linn County Sheriff’s Department school resource officer (SRO)...[More]
LCSO provides numbers for 2021 - Jan. 12, 2022
The Linn County Sheriff’s Office distributed year-end numbers for their department for 2021 on Jan. 6. The report shows that the jail had 372 inmates booked in over the course of the year, 289 males and 83 females. There were 94,283 contacts between jail staff and inmates being held and 19,710...[More]
New solution offered to teacher shortage - Jan. 12, 2022
During the Jan. 10 meeting the Jayhawk USD 346 board of education learned from Superintendent Shawn Thomas that schools are once again dealing with COVID-19 outbreaks and that the state has offered a solution to the lack of substitutes for teachers who are out with COVID-19. Thomas told the board that,...[More]
Patricia A. “Patty†Stanton 04-06-1948 to 01-07-2022 - Jan. 11, 2022
Linn County News Published Jan. 12, 2022 Patricia A. “Patty” Stanton, age 73, Pleasanton, Kan., passed away Friday, Jan. 7, 2022. She was born in Kansas City, Kan., the daughter of James H. and Martha K. Heriford Bell. She graduated from Washington High School in 1966. She worked most of...[More]
Richard Kenneth Wade 04-29-1934 to 01-07-2022 - Jan. 11, 2022
Linn County News Published Jan. 12, 2022 Richard Kenneth Wade was born in a home in La Cygne, Kan., on April 29, 1934, to Ray Valentine and Letha Pearl Hensley Wade. He was the 10th child in the family. He attended elementary and high school in La Cygne and La Cygne Rural High School, graduating...[More]
Stephen Douglas Suddock 10-21-1952 to 01-08-2022 - Jan. 11, 2022
Linn County News Published Jan. 12, 2022 Stephen Douglas Suddock, 69, beloved husband, father and grandfather, passed away Saturday, Jan. 8, 2022, at his home near Clonmel, Kan. Doug, as he was affectionately known, was born Oct. 21, 1952, in Lawrence, Kan., to Hunter Ray Suddock and...[More]
Roy D. Johnston 07-26-1947 to 01-07-2022 - Jan. 11, 2022
Linn County News Published Jan. 12, 2022 Roy D. Johnston, age 74, Prescott, Kan., went to be with the Lord on Friday, Jan. 7, 2022, at KU Medical Center in Kansas City, Kan. He was born in Omaha, Neb., on July 26, 1947, the son of Katherine Welch Fulk. Roy will always be remembered as a reverent...[More]