Inez Deverl {Dee} Simpson Cowan - Apr. 24, 2018
Known as Dee, she was born in Ridgeway, Mo., April 28, 1938, to Dorothy and Jasper Simpson. They moved to California then back to Kansas City, Kan., in 1942 when her father took a position with North American Aviation. Her father retired from the Kansas City Kansas Board of Education in 1979 as...[More]
Update: Measles Outbreak in Johnson, Linn and Miami Counties - Apr. 19, 2018
New locations and dates of potential measles exposure in Johnson and Linn Co. added TOPEKA – The measles outbreak in eastern Kansas is continuing to be investigated. Since March 8, 2018, 18 cases have been identified – 14 Johnson County residents, 3 Linn County residents...[More]
Patrol increases vigilance for alcohol and drug-impaired driver’s crashes - Apr. 18, 2018
Beginning April 20th thru April 22nd, Linn County Sheriff's Department will join other law enforcement agencies in Kansas, Iowa, Nebraska Arkansas, Missouri and Oklahoma to stop what has been an increasing epidemic for the past several years – an increase in drug and alcohol impaired driver...[More]
Pleasanton track hosts home invitational - Apr. 18, 2018
The Pleasanton track team hosted their home track invitational on April 10.Both the boys’ and girls’ teams did well at the meet and each placed fourth.“It was a good start to the season for both the boys’ and girls’ teams to take fourth in the eight-team meet. The boys scored...[More]
Jayhawk boys place 1st and girls place 3rd at Pleasanton Invitational - Apr. 18, 2018
The Jayhawk track team traveled to Pleasanton on April 10 to compete in the Pleasanton Invitational.Both the boys’ and girls’ teams did well as the boys won the meet with a score of 120 points, and the girls placed third with a score of 86 points. Scores for the rest of the teams in the meet...[More]
Prairie View track places 1st, 2nd at Pleasanton Invitational - Apr. 18, 2018
The Prairie View track team traveled to Pleasanton on April 10 to compete in the Pleasanton Invitational.Both the boys’ and girls’ teams did well as the girls placed first with 149 team points and the boys placed second with 111 points. A complete list of all the teams and their placings...[More]
Drug bust nets arrest, various drugs - Apr. 18, 2018
Linn Valley Reserve Officer Dustin Stuteville was involved in a U.S. Highway 69 stop at 10 p.m. Friday, April 13, that netted a drug bust when he pulled a vehicle over for an equipment violation.According to Police Chief Corey Murrison, Stuteville smelled a strong odor of marijuana when he visited with...[More]
JLHS dinner theatre - Apr. 18, 2018
Submitted photoCast members of the JLHS dinner theatre production rehearse scenes as they prepare for opening night. Clockwise from top: Illinois Jane (Emily Willis, second from right) makes a deal with Captain Nobeard (Casey Garcia, second from left); the mime (Brianna Baldwin) gets her digs in on the...[More]
JLHS to present dinner theatre - Apr. 18, 2018
Jayhawk-Linn High School (JLHS) will present a dinner theatre featuring the play “Illinois Jane and the Pyramid of Peril” on Friday, April 27, and Saturday, April 28. The dinner portion of the evening will be provided by the Spanish Club in an effort to help fund a trip to Europe in 2019....[More]
Going to the dogs: Rescue organization focuses on bigger picture - Apr. 18, 2018
Regina McClellan of Parker grew up in New York but eventually landed in Georgia, and it was there that she found her heart’s passion.While living in Georgia, Regina became involved in trying to help stop dog fighting, a practice in which dogs are literally placed in a pen and allowed to fight until...[More]