Jayhawk football earns home playoff game for 2nd straight year - Nov. 1, 2017
The Jayhawk football team hosted Erie for their final regular season home game on Oct. 26. It was also Senior/Parent Night and a game that would determine the Hawks’ fate in the bi-district playoff round. Coming into the game, the Hawks’ chance of making the 3A bi-district playoffs...[More]
Prairie View FFA places 6th in national event - Nov. 1, 2017
Sixth out of 40 schools is nothing to sneeze at, and Prairie View High School’s FFA team did just that in the National FFA Agricultural Sales Career Development Event (CDE) held Oct. 24-27 in Indianapolis, Ind. According to a press release issued by the National FFA Organization,...[More]
Barn Antiques to host 5th annual food drive sale - Nov. 1, 2017
The year was 2012 and Dianna Smith and Shannon Barbee, who run the Barn Antiques shop on 1100 Road, determined there were several families in the Pleasanton area that did not have the resources to have a good Thanksgiving dinner. With that thought in mind, the two brought in some vendors and...[More]
Looking back - Nov. 1, 2017
There is no doubt this photo will bring many fond memories of the Dan Smith Drug Store, located on the corner of Ninth and Main streets in Pleasanton for 41 years. Dan and Mary K. Smith purchased the store in 1953 from the Lhuillier family, who had owned the store for 65 years, and for four decades...[More]
Linn County News Sweepstakes winners announced - Nov. 1, 2017
The winners of the Linn County News yearly sweepstakes were announced with Peggy Servos, Fontana, winning the $250 grand prize. The $50 winners were Kim Johanning, Prescott, Venita Miller, Kincaid, James Melvin, Mound City, Terry Tucker, Pleasanton, and Evelyn Taylor, Mound City. The secondary prize...[More]
Muddy fields slow county soybean harvest - Nov. 1, 2017
Wet fields are slowing this year’s fall soybean harvest. “It’s muddy out in the fields,” Norman Masoner, manager of Beachner Grain, Inc., Mound City, said. Brian Lueker, Linn County executive director for the federal Farm Service Agency, lays the blame on October weekend...[More]
Plane emergency-lands on Pleasanton Airport - Nov. 1, 2017
Sometimes things don’t go as planned, but people still know they’re blessed. And that was the case with Father William Anton who had to emergency-land his newly purchased 1980 Mooney plane on Friday, Oct. 20. Father Bill, as he’s referred to, purchased his plane that had 1,070...[More]
Buffalos demolish Bishop Ward on Senior/Parent Night - Oct. 25, 2017
It was Senior/Parent Night, and the Buffalos hosted district foe Bishop Ward on Oct. 20. It ended up being a very good night for seniors, parents, players, coaches and all Buffalo fans as the team easily took care of Bishop Ward 63-0.The Buffalo offense got rolling right out the gate as Colton Rice ran...[More]
Bully Pulpit: Political correctness - Oct. 25, 2017
Those two words are an oxymoron – political correctness. The deeper our country gets into politics, the less correct we become, and our behavior as Americans – maybe political, but not correct.I don’t think too many people don’t know the Robertson clan featured in the hit television...[More]
Teaching sign language to those who want to learn - Oct. 25, 2017
In September of last year Patti Cox, who was born hearing impaired, began teaching sign language to the kindergarten students at Pleasanton Elementary School (PES). This year she has not only rejoined PES in an effort to teach a new group of students, but has also undertaken the effort to teach others...[More]