Tour offers insight into challenges of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease - Jan. 20, 2016
Dementia can be an overwhelming diagnosis for a patient, their caregivers and relatives. Lack of understanding and awareness surrounding dementia can make it difficult to diagnose, treat and care for. To see the full article, check out this week's edition of the Linn County News or check out the online...[More]
PELPateers gain help and skills from high school athletes - Jan. 20, 2016
Pencils roll, chatter buzzes and directions travel around the room—elementary students listen as high school mentors share instructions for their daily activity. To see the full article, check out this week's edition of the Linn County News or check out the online version here....[More]
Linn County SROs protect schools, model for students - Jan. 20, 2016
With recent domestic mass killings at Colorado Springs and San Bernardino, Calif., still registering on the public conscience, a plank of Linn County sheriff Paul Filla’s 2012 campaign now appears prophetic. To see the full article, check out this week's edition of the Linn County News or check...[More]
Parker to use pipeline windfall for streets - Jan. 20, 2016
The Parker city council last Thursday approved Mayor Wayne Burk’s proposal to use a county pipeline windfall to improve streets. To see the full article, check out this week's edition of the Linn County News or check out the online version here. ...[More]
Snowhill Rock CUP continued again - Jan. 20, 2016
Continuing from his first attempt to receive a Conditional Use Permit (CUP), Kevin Luetjen of Luetjen Ventures, Inc., met with the Linn County Planning and Zoning Board last Tuesday evening in an attempt to gain a CUP for a Snowhill Rock expansion. His second attempt was again met with the board asking...[More]
Pleasanton Mid Season Tournament Postponed - Jan. 19, 2016
Pleasanton Mid Season Tournament Postponed due to worsening travel conditions. All games scheduled for this evening will be played on Thursday, Jan. 21. The games scheduled for Jan. 21 will be played on Jan. 22 and the tournament will conclude on Saturday, Jan. 23. For more information on the...[More]
PV basketball drops games to Frontenac and Girard - Jan. 13, 2016
The Prairie View basketball team hosted Frontenac Jan. 5 in a non-league contest. Both the boys’ and girls’ teams were evenly matched with the Raiders but both teams endured heartbreaking losses. To see the full article, check out this week's edition of the Linn County News or check out...[More]
Arthur Dean Inscore Sr. - Jan. 13, 2016
Arthur Dean Inscore Sr., “Slim,” 78, of Mound City, Kan., died at home Dec. 31, 2015. Arthur is survived by two daughters, Linda Inscore and Brenda Jackson; two sons, Arthur Dean Inscore Jr. and Sammy (Eileen) Inscore; 14 grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. He leaves behind...[More]
Lottery craziness - Jan. 13, 2016
$2 – it’ll buy you a coke, a couple of donuts, two Linn County News newspapers, and many more items, including a Powerball Lottery ticket.On the line on Wednesday, $1.5 billion for some lucky ticket-holder. Want it in cash, and that equates to $930 million cash value.A chunk of change for...[More]
Harry Elwood Purdy 05-28-1922 to 01-10-2016 - Jan. 13, 2016
Harry Elwood Purdy, 93, of Foster, Mo., died Sunday, Jan. 10, 2016, at his home. He was born May 28, 1922, to Harry Eldrin and Edna Ferguson Purdy near Trading Post, Kan.Harry, one of two children, grew up near Trading Post, Kan., where he attended grade school. He attended Pleasanton High School in...[More]