Bully Pulpit - Other side of the issue - Feb. 5, 2020
By about last Monday night, I was sure everyone in Kansas and beyond had read a copy of the Linn County News. Sadly, it was to call out a pastor for his expression of belief on homosexuality and how it relates to the Bible and churches today. Unfortunately, our software deleted necessary punctuation...[More]
USD 362 April 7 bond issue - Feb. 5, 2020
On Jan. 22 the Prairie View USD 362 board of education approved a resolution to call a bond election and submit to the voters of the district the following: Shall Unified School District No. 362, Linn County, Kansas (Prairie View), issue general obligation bonds in an amount not...[More]
County names winners of Biggest Loser competition - Feb. 5, 2020
Individuals employed by Linn County began a competition six months ago to see who could lose the most weight in six months time. Last year this competition was open only to county employees. This year it was open to all county employees in addition to their family members...[More]
Resident questions council on condemnation demolition order - Feb. 5, 2020
The Pleasanton City Council heard from resident Cheryl McGaugh during its meeting on Monday, Feb. 3, in regard to a condemnation order set by the council on Jan. 6 giving McGaugh 30 days to remove a fence at 809 Main St. that is not in compliance with city codes. When given the...[More]
Jayhawk Wrestling Club competes in Tournament of Champions - Jan. 29, 2020
The Jayhawk Wrestling Club traveled to Salina on Jan. 25 to compete in the Tournament of Champions. This is a very large wrestling tournament with 131 teams and over 1,200 wrestlers. The Hawks were right in the middle placing 58th with 17 points. Callahan Earnest wrestled 8...[More]
Close encounters bode hope for Buffs - Jan. 29, 2020
A pessimist might see Prairie View’s eighth-place finish at last week’s Burlington Invitational as a disappointment. An optimist, however, might see it as hope for their upcoming Pioneer League run, the Buffalo basketball team playing relatively even in 11...[More]
Lady Jays place fifth at Pleasanton Midseason Tournament - Jan. 29, 2020
The Pleasanton girls’ basketball team hosted their midseason tournament this past week and went 2-1 with a fifth-place finish. Humboldt won the tournament for the girls as Osawatomie was second, Uniontown third, and Marmaton Valley was fourth. Oswego was sixth place...[More]
Preparing for College - Learning basic life skills is a must - Jan. 29, 2020
One of the biggest issues facing new college students today is a complete lack of life skills. Most incoming college freshmen have never had to learn them, because there has always been someone there to take care of those things for them. But when they hit college and no...[More]
Linn County Crimestoppers reestablished - Jan. 29, 2020
Following an almost five-year hiatus, the Linn County Crimestoppers organization has been reestablished with new board members and renewed energy. A meeting was held last week where Richard Nuzum was voted president, Kimberly Herring treasurer, Rocky Beltz secretary and Jackie...[More]
Bully Pulpit - Constitutional amendment is close - Jan. 29, 2020
When Kansas became an abortion state, and worse than that, a partial-birth dismemberment abortion state, many people were left reeling, including me. Out of control Kansas Supreme Court judges looking at our state Constitution and deciding that the rights to “Liberty, Pursuit of Happiness’...[More]